Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 1, 2019

Chester Is Sick

It’s a brand new year for all our four legged friends, including Chester. But unlike others, Chester has had a rough start this year.

He was back with the vet on 3rd January because his penis is dripping blood, again.

Chester at the vet 

In addition, Chester lost weight. He was about 24.9kg previously, and over the past few months dropped 3kg.

The vet found a mass in his penile region which is causing Chester to bleed. Chester needs to be operated under general anesthesia, then the vet will decide if the mass is to be completely removed, or remove some for a biopsy. Surgical cost is estimated to be $2,000.

Vets found a mass behind his penile region 

To top it all, Chester has slight conjunctivitis in his right eye, and a skin allergy. His stool is also yellow which might be due to his diet consisting of quinoa, greens, fish - which was initially recommended by his vet. We are now replacing quinoa with potatoes, hopefully it helps with his poop, some weight gain and his skin allergy. In the meantime, Chester was prescribed eye drops, lubricant and medicated shampoo to alleviate his eye and skin problems.

Handsome Chester is still waiting for his forever home 

We are hoping to raise $2,000 for Chester to go for his surgery and biopsy on 15th January. Hopefully, the surgery can stop the blood dripping that has been on and off since we rescued him almost 2 years ago. Chester is also quite a baby, he gets stressed having his nails clipped so nails clipping will be done while he is sedated during surgery.

Despite having a tough past as a factory stray, Chester is always looking forward to start the new year with a family who can love and care for his needs. He can be a little mischievous at times and will need a firm but loving family to bring out the sweetness in him. Chester is also HDB approved and about 6 years old this year.

You can also read more about Chester’s past here.

lease email if you are able to aid us in Chester’s medical bills, or if you wish to adopt him. Your help will definitely go a long way for him. We really need all the help we can get for our brave Chester to continue fighting!

Written by: Sam

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