Most Resources for Pet Professionals are also Great for Families! Here is one.
The fourth annual free Prosperous Pet Business Online Conference began Wednesday, 18 October and runs for more than two weeks. After you register, you are notified of the schedule and can access the one or two half-hour video interviews a day on various pet topics. However, after 24 hours, each video becomes un-free but still available for purchase.
Although this ‘conference’ is slated for pet professionals such as groomers, dog trainers, pet sitters, dog walkers and people in ‘doggy day care,’ many topics will be fascinating and easy to digest for the average human – such as the marvelous Dr. Ian Dunbar (Tuesday, October 24) and ever-popular Victoria Stillwell (Friday, October 27). This year’s line-up also features dog trainer and author Andrea Arden from New York (the others may be less pet centric and more business oriented since DogEvals hasn’t heard of them).
The first interview of 2017 featured Wayne Pacelle, CEO (for 13 years) of the Humane Society of the United States,and was titled The Humane Economy: How Innovators and Enlightened Consumers are Transforming the Lives of Animals which just happens to be the title of his second book. (Pacelle’s first book, The Bond: Our Kinship with Animals, Our Call to Defend Them,
was published in 2011.) Pacelle, a highly-paid executive has many successes in the world of animal welfare and also his share of critics.Memorable quotes from Pacelle’s interview include: “We are supposed to be good to animals” and “We feel better when we do the right thing.”
Pacelle is an inspirational speaker (this reviewer heard him in person a few years ago) and has had a long career with the HSUS. This time he spoke of busy lives including that of ethologist Jane Goodall who, at 83, still travels 300 days a years for the chimpanzees, speaking on topics from the environment to “Roots and Shoots.”
Pacelle also revealed that he is a vegan and the average person eats 220 pounds of meat a year. I plan to listen to at least three days of the conference this year, if not every day. Previous conferences are also available.
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