Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2017

Calling all Virginia Dog People!

Calling all Virginia Dog Lovers!

Come to the World of Pets this weekend in Hampton, Virginia, and have a blast. Think “state fair in winter” for food (funnel cakes, lemonade, ice-cream, chocolate), dog treats, leashes to buy, dog bling, animals to pet. 

Laugh at the Muttville Comix dogs and their act, and cheer on the dock diving dogs – yes, an indoor swimming pool for dogs in winter with competitions for highest jump, longest jump and also for speed (have you ever seen a dog in a swim suit?).

Parrot training. Parrot training? Yes! Even a parrot behavior 3-hour workshop (see website for details) with the Bird Whisperer

Backyard chicken raising, a talk by the Peninsula Chicken Keepers (PeCK)

Pet fashion show (register at noon on Saturday – event starts at 1 pm)
Pet talent show (register at noon on Saturday – event starts at 1 pm)

Cat grooming demo – shedding, sharp claws, dirty behinds – and Agility Cats (steps and weave poles)

Fancy Mouse Breeders Association

Search and Rescue Dogs
Dog is Good, the Dogvernugen people
Helping Hands(affordable outpatient advanced surgery and dental care)

Origami Owl – yes, some non-dog businesses

Petting zoo and pony rides (additional fee)

Rescues like the Turtle Island Animal Sanctuary and dog rescue groups like DARE, the Doberman Assistance, Rescue and Education group
And, reptiles!

Your Dog Deserves a New Leash, Collar, Dog Treats, and Toys!

You can all these at the World of Pets, plus much more. Make it an annual February tradition. And come to the January World of Pets next year in Baltimore, too.

Who: You and the whole family (I go, for the food!)
What: 5thannual World of Pets
Where: Hampton Roads Convention Center, 1610 Coliseum Dr. , Hampton, VA 23666
When: Friday, 2-8 pm; Saturday, 10 am-7 pm; Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm

Cost: 9$ adults (free parking), 5$ for ages 5-12, and free for under 5

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