Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 12, 2016

What's wrong with this picture? or....

One of these things just isn't the same:

I thought is was so funny how the bees were all lined up at their own nectar opening.  Supposedly this is a "bee proof" hummingbird feeder.  Yeah...  I don't think so!

This Costa's Hummingbird was just beautiful in the full sunshine - full head/neck feathers of royal purple.  Couldn't quite get it, though, with the camera. 

This was yesterday's sunrise, really pretty:

It looks like yesterday was the last warm, sunny day for a while. Today we had overcast skies most of the day with a temperature of 75 f, tomorrow should be 71 f, and then we go down to the 50s for a few days.  Rain was predicted, but it doesn't look like it's coming this way.   Still, no shorts for a bit - pull out the jeans and sweatshirts again.  I sure do love wearing shorts!

And that's about it.  There's not much going on lately, but I can always count on sunrises, hummingbirds and sunsets.  Things should pick up in a couple of weeks, company's coming.  :-)

From me and Katie, have a great Thursday, everyone!   🌥🌤🌥

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