Thứ Năm, 16 tháng 6, 2016

On The Streets Where She Lives

About 2 months ago, a pregnant dog wandered into a factory to give birth. Luckily for her, the workers of the factory are very kind and allowed her and her 5 puppies to stay. Not only that, they even shared their food with her and her new pups. 

Poor puppies are going to spend their entire lifetime living on the streets 

We only first saw them a few weeks ago, while on one of our usual feeding rounds. The puppies, old enough to be up and about, were very hungry and had run out to the road to look for food. The roads in the area can get very busy with traffic and we worry that these pups, with little life experience under their belts, would get into trouble. To our dismay, 1 pup has since gone missing and now there are only 4. 

Her front right paw is bent at an awkward angle

Little Alyssa at the vet

On Tuesday, we received a call from 1 of the workers. He told us that 1 of the puppies had started limping on Sunday. Her front right leg was starting to swell and the joint area did not look normal. We immediately went down to pick the puppy up and took her to the vet. At the vet's, the vet took an x-ray and confirmed that the front right leg was broken. Due to the traffic conditions around the factory area, we suspect that she may have been yet another victim of a hit-and-run. However, the vet advised us that the true cause is hard to determine. Our little puppy could have been stepped on or gotten stuck under some heavy rubble and broken her leg while struggling to free herself. Not only did this little puppy come in with a broken leg, she was also infested with fleas and had a cut on her forehead!

Little Alyssa's fractured leg
She needs the cast on for 8 weeks. She has a cut on her forehead too

The course of treatment for Alyssa, as we have named her, is to set her injured leg in a cast for a minimum of 8 weeks. As she is only a puppy, she will need to return to the clinic every 2 weeks to have her cast changed so that her growth is not impeded. The cast will cost about $300-350 each time. She should not be returned to the factory while in her cast as there is a high risk of dirt and water seeping under the cast and cause irritation to the skin which can lead to infection. Therefore, we need a fosterer to care for little Alyssa as her leg recovers. 

To date, her bill is almost $800. She is ready for discharge but we are holding on till Saturday, in the hopes that a kind person will come forth to foster her. 

Alyssa is a female local crossbreed, and only 2 months old. If you can foster / adopt Alyssa, please fill up and submit the foster form here. To contribute towards Alyssa's vet bills, please email

Unfortunately, she will be discharged back to the factory on Saturday morning if she fails to find a foster family. 

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