Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 1, 2015

Pictureless Wednesday

I know, I know, it's supposed to be Wordless Wednesday, but I have some words and no pictures today.

Okay, finally - we're heading back to Quartzsite tomorrow.  :)  People to see, places to go, things to do.  Yeah!

My package was delivered yesterday afternoon to the post office service at the Christian Service Center down the road.  They are open from 9 to noon four days a week, closed Wednesday, so I can pick it up tomorrow morning and head north to Quartzsite.

I have a couple of things I want to check out at the Big Tent and the other vendors up and down the street, and wanted to arrive before the end of next weekend.  I'm hearing and reading in blog posts that it's starting to wind down - really?  It's only Wednesday, half-way through their SHOW TIME!  I guess a lot of people must have visited the tents early on and are done shopping, which would help the traffic, I'm sure.  Quartzsite people - is the traffic getting lighter?

Today is the third Wednesday of the month - the day my Social Security check dances happily into my checking account.  Man, it's so hard waiting for a check ONCE A MONTH.  When I worked for my son, we were paid weekly, my favorite timeline for paychecks.  Once a month takes FOREVER to come.

I always eagerly anticipate this third Wednesday, and wake up raring to go - turn on the computer, pay the few bills I have every month, and put the rest in the savings account.  It doesn't take long, but I've always loved paying bills and have an elaborate Exel spreadsheet to record everything on.  I'm trying my darnedest to build up the savings account to purchase a PARK MODEL.  I want one SOOOO BAD for a home base.  Each month gets me a little closer.

Every Social Security check day, I want to post - YEAAA, I got my check!  Dumb.  But I do. And now I have.  LOL  I'm betting everyone out there receiving a Social Security check each month feels the same way, right?  (Wish I was the first Wednesday.)

WELCOME to our newest followers, Michael & Imkelina!   They are on the verge of taking possession of a brand new Arctic Fox 25P.  You can read about it on their blog, BlaNicS Waypoints - and guess what?  They have a BATHTUB in the new rig.  I'm so jealous!  But happy jealous...   Welcome Aboard to you both!

From me and Katie, have a great Wednesday everyone!  :)

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