Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015, Baby!

The baby above looks like a moose head, doesn't he?  So darn cute sleeping in the sun.

And here's Mom - just standing around while her baby takes a nap.

Then she decides to have a little snack.

In a little while the baby gets up and Mom walks over and they have a little snuggle.  :)

Mom soon moves away and her little one follows, but not close.  He takes his time.

And off they go to a new area.  It's always a good day when I get some nice shots of wild burros, wild horses, hummingbirds or roadrunners.  Great way to start 2015!  :)

More and more wild burros are being seen in the area, and I was told the little flat area right below the edge of my campsite is where they hang around in the sun during the day sometimes.  I can't see it from my window, but I'll be looking over the edge from time to time to see if they are there.

Sunset on Friday night.  It was such a pretty pastel sky.

From me and Katie, Happy New Year, everybody!

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